OGC (r) CityGML schema ReadMe.txt ================================= OGC(r) City Geography Markup Language Encoding Standard ------------------------------------------------------------------- The CityGML standard is an OpenGIS(r) Standard which defines a conceptual model and exchange format for the representation, storage and exchange of virtual 3D city and landscape models. More information may be found at https://www.ogc.org/standards/citygml The most current schema are available at http://schemas.opengis.net/ . ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2023-08-02 Tatjana Kutzner, Carl Stephen Smyth, Claus Nagel, Volker Coors, Diego Vinasco-Alvarez, Nobuhiro Ishimaru, Zhihang Yao, Charles Heazel, Thomas H. Kolbe * v3.0: Posted CityGML 3.0 Part 2: GML Encoding 3.0.0 schemas from OGC 21-006r2 2012-04-24 Gerhard Gröger, Thomas H. Kolbe, Claus Nagel, Karl-Heinz Häfele * v2.0: Posted CityGML 2.0.0 schemas from OGC 12-019. Where are the codelists? The codelists for the values of enumerative attributes like "class", "function", "usage" etc. do not belong to the normative part of the CityGML specification, because these typically will require different values for different countries. The codelists provided in the specification document are to be considered as an example for the definition of appropriate codelists. Since they have been defined by the SIG 3D they can be found in (and used from) the following repository http://www.sig3d.de/codelists/standard/ The codelists have therefore been deleted from the OGC Schema repository. A zip archive containing the codelists that were shipped as examples with CityGML 1.0 can however still be downloaded from http://schemas.opengis.net/citygml/codelists/ 2008-10-28 * v1.0.0: Posted CityGML 1.0.0 schemas from OGC 08-007r1. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Policies, Procedures, Terms, and Conditions of OGC(r) are available https://www.ogc.org/legal/ . Copyright (c) 2012, 2023 Open Geospatial Consortium. -----------------------------------------------------------------------